
Sarah Kennedy







24 May

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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/slushieperson
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
My dog Sandy
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
My dog Sandy
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Me with my pirate costume on
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
A Horse Called Angus
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
My cousin at her wedding
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
gingerbread house
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Sarah Kennedy
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Sarah Kennedy
15 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

I'm going to Quebec!!!!! Please, please read - fun stuff inside!!!!

          Hey everybody! So, there was this thing: a student exchange program. You go up to Quebec for a week, do fun stuff while staying with a French family, then a French student from the French family comes down and stays with your family for a week. The whole thing lasts two weeks: one in Quebec, one in Lewiston. The only way you can get in is if you write a one-page paper on why you would like to go to Quebec. I wrote my paper. My mom got the call on Tuesday...I'm goin' to Quebec.

          THe fun stuff that I'm doing in Maine includes:

Funtown Splashtown USA

Old Orchard Beach

THe maine mall



Rollerdrome in Auburn

Movies + bowling

Minigolf and lots more!


I am SO excited! Anybody who reads this blog plz message me.

          Hey everybody! So, there was this thing: a student exchange program. You g… Read More
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Sarah Kennedy MyPraize Band
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
ariel98, you are so mean. 4sisters, u rock!!!!
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Sarah Kennedy Jeffrey levasseur
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
hi jeff listen if im gay 4 reading then ur gay for not reading lol
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Dj Levasseur
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Ohh heyy Sarah.
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Sarah Kennedy Dj Levasseur
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey, DJ! Yo-yo (whatever that means, lol)!!!
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Sarah Kennedy
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory

Hey y'all, Sarah speaking.

 I went to this really awesome place in Massachusetts (did I spell that right) called Magic Wings, and they have loads of butterflies there. My favorite was this one called a blue morpho. It is very dull and brown on the outside, but on the inside, they are this brilliant, shiny shade of blue and they are so pretty.

They had lots and lots and LOTS of butterflies and they were all fluttering around and landing on you and everything. It was totally awesome. They also had some tiny little birds the size of my fist walking around pecking at the ground.

 But, seriously, the butterflies were so cool. We saw swallowtails, and postman butterflies, and rice paper butterflies, and everything.It's amazing to see them all fluttering about. One tiny red, black, and yellow one actually landed on my hand! One girl was walking around with 4 butterflies on her wrists.

 As a souveneir I got a luna moth cocoon, which will hatch around June. Luna moths are huge green moths that can feed on their own body fat when there is no other source of food readily available. Look at a picture of one on the Internet. I can't wait until it hatches1

So long! -Sarah

Hey y'all, Sarah speaking.  I went to this really awesome place in Massachusetts (did I spell that right) called Magic … Read More
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Sarah Kennedy Ariana Purington
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
love ur video and how was aquaboggan
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Sarah Kennedy
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Cheese: The Official (or not) Guide

 Cheese: The Official (or not) Guide

There are a lot (and I mean a lot) of different types of cheese. There's cheese made from cow's milk, cheese made of sheep's milk, goat cheese, hard cheese, soft cheese, sweet cheese, sour cheese, tangy cheese, cheese with a rind, cheese without a rind, and so on. It can kind of be confusing, so here is a guide to a few types of cheese. Not that many people need a guide to cheese, but whatever.

____________________Soft Cheeses___________________

If you're looking for a nice soft, creamy cheese look no further than Brie cheese or goat cheese. Both have a creamy texture but the similarities end there.

BRIE-Brie is a popular cheese and is used most often for parties, since it will not crumble like some goat cheeses will. Brie has a 'wild mild' kind of flavor, meaning it is flavorful but not to the point where it is sharp or tangy. It has a very, VERY thin rind, which is edible and nicely compliments the 'inner cheese' as I like to call it. Brie is usually sold in slices or wheels.

GOAT CHEESE-Goat cheese is my personal favorite cheese. Goat cheese is sharp and tangy, and can be a little bit sour at times. It is generally creamy but some goat cheeses are crumbly rather than smooth; it is delicious both ways. Goat cheese is sold in logs or tubs of dip (a lot of people spread it over crackers). It can also be covered with herbs.

____________________Hard Cheeses_________________________

SWISS CHEESE: My least favorite cheese, most people recognize it by its holes. Swiss cheese is very dry, and the flavor is extremely sharp. It's usually sold in wedges.

PARMESAN: A very popular cheese. Parmesan is commonly sprinkled over spaghetti and used as a subtle flavoring in many dishes. It, like Swiss cheese, is very sharp and dry. It may come in a bag, already shredded, or you may see it in a block waiting to be shredded.


To all the people who are thinking "This is stupid", this guide was not meant to actually make you want to know more about cheese. It was just fun for me to make.

 Cheese: The Official (or not) Guide There are a lot (and I mean a lot) of different types of cheese. There's cheese ma… Read More
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Sarah Kennedy
My dog Sandy
Sarah Kennedy
My dog Sandy
Sarah Kennedy
Me with my pirate costume on
Sarah Kennedy
A Horse Called Angus
Sarah Kennedy
My cousin at her wedding
Sarah Kennedy
gingerbread house
Sarah Kennedy
Sarah Kennedy
I'm going to Quebec!!!!! Please, please read - fun stuff inside!!!!
Sarah Kennedy
ariel98, you are so mean. 4sisters, u rock!!!!
Sarah Kennedy
hi jeff listen if im gay 4 reading then ur gay for not reading lol
Dj Levasseur
Ohh heyy Sarah.
Sarah Kennedy
Hey, DJ! Yo-yo (whatever that means, lol)!!!
Sarah Kennedy
Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory
Sarah Kennedy
love ur video and how was aquaboggan
Sarah Kennedy
Cheese: The Official (or not) Guide

My false

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