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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/smile-its-ej
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Emma C
GO FIREPROOF! our quizteam
Emma C
my baby Melvin :)
Emma C
im eating a cupcake! yaya! and my other cousin fay
Emma C
me and my mom
Emma C
a beautifull picture of the sky :)
Emma C
hahahahaha long story...
Emma C
awww melvin
Emma C
MyPraize Band
Hey wutz up, Just buddy hoppin, and showin sum luv. By the way we are about to release our new mix tape \"saving the streets vol. 2\" on May 18th. Stop by our page, listen to some of the new songs and let us know wut u think aiight. God Bless!!
katie o
thank you very much :)
Emma C
i dont think i would be ok with him not likeing me. that would kill me! i would be highly depressed. lol but really i couldnt do it!
Emma C
hey!! this site is messing up my page!! grrr so i made a new one! its XxEmoLovexX
Emma C
I love him. ♥
Emma C
OH good so ur short to! HAHAHAHAHA! LOL just kiddin\' im shorter than u still. even if its only by an inch oh welllllllll
Emma C
yeah it would be scary! lol you would have to look down to talk to ppl. lol haha! if been 5 1 for like 2 or 3 years. grrrr im never getting taller either! lol so is it weird dating ur bestfriend? cuz i kinda like myne....

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