seiarra zona
hey alexis you r a back stabbing girl!!!And why r u taking my friendship from courtney????well hate ya
seiarra zona
hey you cant even see anything!!!you need to start hangin out with should hang out with me too.hang out with me even when courtney is home too.because when she is not home and you come over too play with me.when she is not home it makes me feel like i beingin used until she comes home you sometimes leave and you go play wit her i not mad :cry:
seiarra zona
hey lex y r u not on chat?wellr u getting a pic?well bye :D :) :shock: :cry: :x :lol: 8) :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :( :idea: :?: :!: :!: :wink: :roll: 8) :lol: :x :cry: :shock: :D :( :idea: :?: :?: :!: