







13 Sep

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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/talori
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Ruthie Houchins
Ruthie Houchins
Ruthie Houchins
Ruthie Houchins
Ruthie Houchins
Encouragement for today
Ruthie Houchins
Ruthie Houchins
Hello! I had this account years ago and just recently found my old password and found that it still worked!! Only been active here again for a few weeks.
Ruthie Houchins
A wonderful sunset picture I took, with encouraging words from Titus 2:13.
Ruthie Houchins
Kathi (Admin)
Welcome back home Ruthie!
Ruthie Houchins
Can't believe I was able to log back into this...woot!
Jeremy Mooseman
Cool, unfortunatly I only have characters on Moonrunner and Spinebreaker. Oh well at least I know some good guilds to join if I do make a new character on a new realm. :) thanks for the info!
D White
Haiku as promised -from the Dead-Meat Poet's Society specializing in Spam haiku. Here are a couple to whet your appetite. Sunset placid pond where campers often linger -- rusted can of Spam. by Steve Garrigues The first time we kissed: Your cheeks flushed a deep Spam pink, Your lips soft, hungry By John N. Cho Silly huh?
Paul Albus
Scribble scribble scribble scribble ... just a sec, my crayon broke... scribble scribble scribble scribble... It is so fun writing on a wall without getting in trouble! LOL! :wink:
D White
Hey you found a cornerstone group. I'll have to go check that out. Going down to the Chicago area recently brought back a lot of those memories -I suppose referring to the Greyslake era dates me, oh well. Their new site is a more accommodating venue. Overall, the '85-'88 years were my favorites.

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