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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/tiger-lili22
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Jen S
Jen S
hey, i haven't spoken to you in 25 days. wow, time really does fly when your busy. I've been working like crazy lately. That's cool you've been working on getting your license. How is getting a job coming along?
Sydney Baird
well, i applied for a bunch of jobs and am hoping to have a job this summer, i also want to work on getting my license, 8) other then that not much. you?
Jen S
that's cool. do you have any plans for the summer :?: :?:
Sydney Baird
yea i was gone a few weeks ago from driday till wednesday, i was visiting my sister in ohio. =)
Jen S
Awesome. I made a 100 too. I was pretty happy about that. :shock: didn't you go away for a while :?:
Sydney Baird
i did surprisingly well, actually the best i've done this year i think. i got a 100% on it so im happy! :D what did you do yours on btw?
Jen S
Jen S
sorry, i haven't answered you back soon enough, how did you do on your paper? :)
Sydney Baird
hey! nothin much here, hah i just finished that last paper we had in the nick of time, i just found out about it today! the day its due!
Jen S
hey sydney, what's up :?:

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