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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/tinkerbelle
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Rainey Blackburn
Ashley Jones
Hi its me Ashley jones from church your sister's best friend 8)
Rainey Blackburn
Hey! Thanks for inviting me. My name is Rainey. Hope you have an awesome day!
Rainey Blackburn
Hope it comes up! it's gonna be big though. I love you! :D
James Goins
The ants go marching one by one, horah-horah! hehe, You need a pic up of us Beautiful, maybe the car one eh? eh? Blessings amazing one, ~James
Rainey Blackburn
Taylor Blackburn
Ruini, Ni hai mei si le ma? hei hei :lol:
James Goins
I just realized something. I never got an invite in the mail for ur wedding. ::sadface:: x a million. :cry: I think you mentioned I could swing by but now I wish I could interrupt when they ask for objections! arg. Miss you!
Rainey Blackburn
Hey Taylor, Ni hai huo zhe ne? I love you! Rain
Taylor Blackburn
Rui Ni, :lol: Ni hai huo zhe ne? :lol:
Rainey Blackburn
My Mommy is the coolest, the coolest, yes I said My Mommy is the coolest, the coolest. OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Rainey Blackburn
Just thought I would pop in and say Hi! How have you been doing?
Rainey Blackburn
Hey, She's happy that she isn't a jerk and she really misses you! :cry:
James Goins
She is not a jerk. She's awesome, so take that. 8)
Vince Villanueva
SuP Big V still on this mic handelin it for the Lord keeping it in the streets just like Je, sus(Geez-us! ). yeh fell me! Hit me back on the comment wall.. Let me know what u think send me your email through message & ill send u the free Mixtape . Im telling u its free no paying for it im just trying to hear from U if its good or bad. I, ve relized in this, tht God always wants the best for his ppl.. so hit me Back & please let me know what u think thanxs BIG_V http://www.myspace.com/bigv209 8)

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