alyssa dolberry
hey kid! =) hows life these fine days?
mackenzie peterson
Tyler James Bennett
we need to chill again
me you and bay
call me about it
Tyler Bennett
where did u get your back round from
Tyler Bennett
hey where do u paste the code to make it your profile
Tyler Bennett
i have a myspace
Tyler Bennett
i have a myspace so find me
Tyler Bennett
i have a myspace so find me
megan fletcher
hey tj. nice playin on sunday :)
nichele petersen
any video website
u just need to URL code and stuff
or you can get them of myspace videos
nichele petersen
nichele petersen
you should also look at
its probably a better one for you
not so girly... :D
nichele petersen
once ur in ur mypanel click on edit and a t the bottom there is a big white box that next to it says something along the lines of myspace codes and/or whatnot you just paste it in there..its the last box so ya...
nichele petersen
why do u have a myspace now??