
Brittany Capers-Hawkins







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/trinity03
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins MyPraize Band
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey, thanx for the comment. I like your page and your music alot! I\'m really feelin \"blessed\"...i think yall need to let ppl. add that one to their profiles! lol God bless 1 Luv N Christ, Brittany
Hey, thanx for the comment. I like your page and your music alot! I\'m really feelin \"blessed\"...i think yall need to let ppl. aRead More
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins Justin Rose
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey Justin, thanx for the request! I hope all is well and blessed in your life bro! Take care, God bless, and Keep it righteous.. Your Sister in Christ, Brittany :D
Hey Justin, thanx for the request! I hope all is well and blessed in your life bro! Take care, God bless, and Keep it righteous..Read More
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MyPraize Band
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey wutz up, Just buddy hoppin, and showin sum luv. By the way we are about to release our new mix tape \"saving the streets vol. 2\" on May 18th. Stop by our page, listen to some of the new songs and let us know wut u think aiight. God Bless!!
Hey wutz up, Just buddy hoppin, and showin sum luv. By the way we are about to release our new mix tape \"saving the streets vol. Read More
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Ajay Koovackal
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Nice ta meet ya Brittany, Hope you have a Blessed weekend.
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins Ajay Koovackal
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey, thanx for the add and message :!: Take it easy, Keep it Holy, and God bless ~Brittany
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Victor Rodriguez
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
cheo thx for da add homie, my name is vic, hit me up, hope alls goin good wit ya, stays safe and God Bless :D
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins d sanders
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Hey, whats up? Thanx 4 the add! :!: Take care, God Bless, and Keep it Holy :) ~Bre
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Darrion Hart
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Thank you for adding me as a friend :lol: :lol:
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

A lil' bit about myself


 Hey y'all Laughing, My name is Brittany. I'm from Western, NY and South-Central VA. Some people call me a SNortherner because I 'm originally from the north but I've always had a little twang in my talk, even before I moved to the south lol. I moved back to NY in December after my mother passed away from cancer/diabetes. I'm a young woman and child of God (Born again Christian) and 100 and 10 % dependent on Him!Ive been through alot of trials and tribualtions in my life so far, but God has strengthened me and taught me and loved me as He is now, and as He always will because He's jus' koo like dat! I'm in the process now of growing in His spirit, getting more into His Holy Word , serving Him and fullfilling the will that He has for my life. God has blessed and annointed me with the gifts of song and poetry (singing, rapping, floetry, poetry, & song writing for His Glory.  I hope to spread these gifts across the world to reach, touch, and win more souls for the Kingdom of Heaven! I like people who Love God! I'm open for conversation and new friends/people who are on my level of spirituality or who are/want to "walk the walk" fa real fa real. I'm also open to talk to people who don't know God that well or at all and who don't have a personal relationship with Him. It's so important y'all! We need more souljahs for Christ, 'cause the battlefield is lookin' a little bare. Well, so far you know a little about me. If your interestred hit me up. Until next time (and there after)....take care, be safe, keep it Holy, and God Bless Innocent


2007-02-11  Hey y'all , My name is Brittany. I'm from Western, NY and South-Central VA. Some people call me a SN… Read More
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

~Walk the Walk~


This poem refers to realizing and recognizing your true walk with Christ. Are you doing more talking or more walking? If your talkin' more than your walkin', STOP and check yaself! I'm sorry, did I offend you? Oh well! lol Laughing

Walk the Walk

It's easy to say whats right and whats wrong

What will make you weak and what will make you strong

What you should do

Who you should turn to

You can "talk the talk"

But can you "walk the walk"?

It's simple to say that it's good to be saved

That it's pleasant to travel the road that Jesus paved

That you have to be born again

In order to go to Heaven

You're "talkin' the talk"

But are you "walkin' the walk"?

We need to put what we say into affirmative action

What good is useful knowledge if we aint practicin

We need to do more walkin' and alot less talkin'

More praisin' and servin', less partyin' and club hoppin'

So if you claim Christianity

Over all the earth and humanity

You already "talked the talk"

Are you ready to "walk the walk"?


copyrights belong to Brittany C.-H aka "Da Lyrical Miracle"
2007-02-11 This poem refers to realizing and recognizing your true walk with Christ. Are you doing more talking or more wa… Read More
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Brittany Capers-Hawkins
Brittany Capers-Hawkins
Hey, thanx for the comment. I like your page and your music alot! I\'m really feelin \"blessed\"...i think yall need to let ppl. add that one to their profiles! lol God bless 1 Luv N Christ, Brittany
Brittany Capers-Hawkins
Hey Justin, thanx for the request! I hope all is well and blessed in your life bro! Take care, God bless, and Keep it righteous.. Your Sister in Christ, Brittany :D
MyPraize Band
Hey wutz up, Just buddy hoppin, and showin sum luv. By the way we are about to release our new mix tape \"saving the streets vol. 2\" on May 18th. Stop by our page, listen to some of the new songs and let us know wut u think aiight. God Bless!!
Ajay Koovackal
Nice ta meet ya Brittany, Hope you have a Blessed weekend.
Brittany Capers-Hawkins
Hey, thanx for the add and message :!: Take it easy, Keep it Holy, and God bless ~Brittany
Victor Rodriguez
cheo thx for da add homie, my name is vic, hit me up, hope alls goin good wit ya, stays safe and God Bless :D
Brittany Capers-Hawkins
Hey, whats up? Thanx 4 the add! :!: Take care, God Bless, and Keep it Holy :) ~Bre
Darrion Hart
Thank you for adding me as a friend :lol: :lol:
Brittany Capers-Hawkins
A lil' bit about myself
Brittany Capers-Hawkins
~Walk the Walk~

My false

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