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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/twins4eva16
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
kayla & haley knighton
us again!
kayla & haley knighton
lol!! cute cute!
kayla & haley knighton
JP Reinhardt
single but looking me 2
MyPraize Band
i like ur pics
Josh Enos
hey chicas how ya been
JP Reinhardt
wats up
kayla & haley knighton
some one has a creepy ubsession with deodorant
kayla & haley knighton
Hey can you all comment on our pics or wall, thanks for coming on our page!
kayla & haley knighton
lol, i love the clouds bg, its pritty howt! lol
kayla & haley knighton
no prob, so what grade are ya in?
kayla & haley knighton
lol, how was ur freshman year? lol...my cousin is gonna be in 10th and she is kinda nervice, lol
kayla & haley knighton
lol...yeah its not, people make to big of a deal about it, lol, so like yeah, me and my twin sister like are giving here are clothes that she likes lol
kayla & haley knighton
any wayz, you should add her, she is pretty chill, her user name is \"nicks_sis\"
kayla & haley knighton
hey chica!! how are you? were doing alright! thanks you guys for telling me and haley about MPZ, we love it! howt guys are on here!!! lol Well love ya, ur cuzs, H

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