marriah galloway
this is where i was born...yay north carolina!!!
Hayley Stephens
aww i love your page!
Cameron Triay
Hey the videos you put on you tube were flippen funny awsome job
Cody Truitt
Im doin alright :)
Cody Truitt
what have you been ^ to?
Hayley Stephens
work, school, junk...yep that pretty much sums up my life. but it\'s cool. how have you been?
Hayley Stephens
no much. what\'s up with you?
...nice car!
cody truitt
Hey hows it goin
Jessica white
I got bored.
and so i got one.
Myspace is sooo much better haha
Hayley Stephens
yay! haha LOVE YOU!
Hayley Stephens
YESS! they used to have a html section but they got rid of it because of people putting \"bad stuff\" on there...