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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/vinicontreas-buddy
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
MyPraize Band
MyPraize Band
Good Music
taylor mceachron
sounds like nacho libre music... :lol:
mike griffith
love the music man its awesome.
mike griffith
got that right all belongs to the lord and hes given u a great talent. the gloves are about 5 pounds each.
MyPraize Band
Thanks dude . . . It all belongs to the Lord right? How heavy are those gloves?
Jill Gosnell
:D 8) it sounds really cool sorta like something ud hear in a coffee shop
Amy Arzola
ur music is great!my favorite is let him in.
MyPraize Band
I like 'em . . . "the Truth is catastrophic!!" by the way . . . 'Keep Rockin The Word' is a great idea for a song . . . . .
MyPraize Band
dude! thanks for the i Magnifico! much appreciated . . . . what are you playing for a guitar in the photo? 8)
MyPraize Band
We have two more songs uploaded to Mypraize. Check 'em out when you can. God Bless you bro. and keep rockin' the Word! D.O.G.S. of Pray
MyPraize Band
i Magnifico! You rock my world! Excellente! Great sounds and melodies!
Josiah Large
I don't have the fastest computer. so I did'nt hear all your music but what I heard was decent
Jessica Hayden
Hey, your music is awesome! I esp. love Christ Crucified with the trumpets.
Jackson A

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