Bio : I love kids (that's why I decided to return to school after many years to pursue a career in education). I also enjoy traveling; especially abroad. I've only been to a few places abroad, but I would like to put a lot more stamps in my passport in the near future. I also love to have fun and eat delicious food (I'm kind of a foodie), and I love music (from different genres). I'm not really a fan of any particular artist. I'm a fan of music itself. If I hear something I like I'll add it to my eclectic music library. But the most important thing to know about me is that I LOVE God. I'm hoping to network with other believers and make some new friends and to also find out about some new artists to listen to.
mj shelbyHello Vanessa. I like your Bio. I'm a songwriter in Los Angeles. I'm in the process of uploading my video. Working on a six-song EP that deals with current Social Issues. my site is Love to share music.