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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/wildcatz14
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Zac Efron
amanda garza
hey who every profile this is want to be friends
lauren franklin
Hey want to be friends
Kayley Smith
zac efron isnt 18! he\'s 20!
marie dunn
who r u
MyPraize Band
hay i am looking for a good acting job if you know were a good acting job is, please let me know thank you i will have more pics of me soon
Mandy Hazerd
my cousin allie is litterally in love with !!!
Hannah ???????
Hey wuz up??? :D :) :shock: :cry: :x :lol: 8) :roll: :wink: :( :idea: :?: :!:
Emily volnoff
:roll: :lol: hi you rock in hsm2 ihere there is a hsm3 coming soon. you and vannssa r cute to gather
Bekah Reining
hey zac i just saw ur movieThe Derby Stallion,:wink: it was a good movie!!! how old where you in it?
Krista Slaven
hey plzz add me u r so cool!!!!! my friend said she has met u but i dont belive her. plz add me!!!
nikki delmarter
Hey zac!!! You guys where so amazing in high school musical 2!!!! I have a question for you!!!!! How did you get into the acting buisness!! i think i saw you in a lifetime movie when you where alot younger!!! I just wen\'t to an audition at a.c.t and i got into the acting school but i am waiting to here about the agent thing! add me as a bud!!!!!! :lol:
nikki delmarter
Hey zac!!! You guys where so amazing in high school musical 2!!!! I have a question for you!!!!! How did you get into the acting buisness!! i think i saw you in a lifetime movie when you where alot younger!!! I just wen\'t to an audition at a.c.t and i got into the acting school but i am waiting to here about the agent thing! add me as a bud!!!!!! :lol:
Courtney Holmes
hey zac thanks for putting me on your top 8 :D
Krista Slaven
I LUV U and thats alls i got 2 say!!!!!!!! AND U BETTER B THA RERAL ZAC OR ILL B HEARTBROKEN

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