
Ricky Hale







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/wizkrz
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
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Christmas 2005
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
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Disney Collage
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
My gorgeous wife!
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
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Our cool kids!
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Proud parents with the new graduate ('07)!
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Ricky Hale
9 years ago
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Ricky Hale
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

The evolution of tunes vs. "The Evolution of Man"

I often check out online debates about intelligent design vs. evolution. It's hard for me to understand, in this day and age, how Darwinian evolution can still be considered viable, especially with the advances in science over the past few decades. For example, what was a blob of gelatin to Darwin is now known to be a mass of millions of cells that make up a developing human embryo.

The other day as I was driving home, I found myself fiddling with my non-working CD player. As I thought about the past technological marvels of the 8-track and cassette tape, God revealed to me why it's so easy for our society to believe in something so fraught with scientific absurdities. We are evolutionary in our own creative processes!

Take, for one example, the evolution in the way we've recorded and played back music over the years. I'll start with vinyl, since that's my earliest recollection. After the album, we moved on to the 8-track tape, the cassette, the CD, and now the MP3. When we invent or discover something new and better, we not only adopt it, but we begin to improve on it. Once it becomes the norm, the old, outdated methods are discarded. This is the same way that evolution is supposed to work.

According to Darwin's theory, when something can no longer survive, it changes, or mutates, into something different. Once it reaches a state where it can survive and thrive, the mutations stop, until the circumstance or environment changes, forcing the necessity to mutate once again in order to adapt.

Ah, but here is where the proposed "origin of species" breaks down. Continuing on with the comparison, it's quite easy to search garage sales and thrift stores to find record players, 8-track tape decks, cassette recorders, CD players, and even combinations of some or all of the above. However, to this very day, with all of the hundreds of thousands of fossils in the fossil record, and all of the thousands of complete skeletal remains reconstructed and on display, no legitimate proof has been unearthed of any species-to-species transitional fossils. The "Evolution of Man" picture we've seen throughout our lives is an artistic rendering based on small pieces of evidence, like bone or skull fragments. The rest was pieced and molded together by evolutionist scientists, who probably had the best intentions, but also had a preconceived notion that all evidence had to point to evolution, which skewed their results to "prove" that theory.

I often check out online debates about intelligent design vs. evolution. It's hard for me to understand, in this day and age,… Read More
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Ricky Hale
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Favorite TV Shows and TV Resources



Everybody Loves Raymond




Dirty Jobs

How It's Made


Law and Order (any of them)

CSI (the original)


Lois and Clark



King of Queens

'til Death


Last Comic Standing

American Idol (yes, I admit it)

The Twilight Zone


Remove Foul Language from your TV!

Heroes Lost Everybody Loves Raymond Reba Bones House Dirty Jobs How It's Made … Read More
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Content Rejected
Ricky Hale
Christmas 2005
Ricky Hale
Disney Collage
Ricky Hale
Ricky Hale
Ricky Hale
My gorgeous wife!
Ricky Hale
Our cool kids!
Ricky Hale
Proud parents with the new graduate ('07)!
Ricky Hale
Ricky Hale
The evolution of tunes vs. "The Evolution of Man"
Ricky Hale
Favorite TV Shows and TV Resources
Ricky Hale
Christian Band Links
Ricky Hale
Christian Web Resources
Ricky Hale
Online Safety
Ricky Hale
Media Sense

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