True Control. True Power. (An interesting thought)
What is TRUE control? What is TRUE power? Look at yourself... Look at your abilities, your convictions, your ambitions, your ideals, your goals... Do you have FULL control or FULL power over these things?
Try looking at something less demanding... Look around you, look at nature. Look at the sky. Can you stop it from changing color? Can you stop the wind from blowing? Or the waves from crashing on the sea shore? Can you stop the sun from burning? Or the seasons from changing? Can you stop an earthquake from destroying? Or a tornado or a hurricane from devastating?
Can you stop yourself from aging? Or decide to one day stop breathing and still live? Or from getting hungry? From needing sleep? Or even from stretching?
If you have ALL these things under your CONTROL and POWER, then surely you also have the ability to control the course of your life. But being that you don't, then you might as well stop trying to.
You want to know TRUE control? TRUE power? Then you have to know the one who created and CONTROLS it all... You have to know God. And to know God, you have to know Jesus. And to know Jesus, I'm not going anywhere, so ask away.
If you already do, then I hope that was nourishment for your soul.
What is TRUE control? What is TRUE power? Look at yourself... Look at your abilities, your convictions, your ambitions, your idea…
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