
Alayna DeOrio







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/xlove2gigglex
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Alayna DeOrio
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Alayna DeOrio
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Alayna DeOrio
9 years ago
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Alayna DeOrio Bobby Westfall
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
bobby westfall i heart u like wizzoah! :D
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Alayna DeOrio
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

27 musts

1.   remember that ur character is ur destiny.<BR>
2.   never lie; to hide one lie u have to lie 100 times, it creates<BR> tension, it demoralizes , it destroys ur high esteem<BR>
3.   give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.<BR>
4.   don't be greedy; greed invites lots of trouble<BR>
5.   don't believe all u hear, spend all u have or sleep all u want.<BR>
6.   when u say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.<BR>
7.   never laugh at anyone's dreams.<BR>
8.   in disagreements, fight fairly, honestly and firmly. Truth always prevails.<BR>
9.   truth is beautiful because it is.<BR>
10. don't judge people by their relatives but by their actions.<BR>
11. talk slowly but think quickly.<BR>
12. when someone asks u a question u don't want to answer, smile and ask, "why do u want to know?"<BR>
13. say, "bless u" when u hear someone sneeze.<BR>
14. when u lose, don't lose the lesson.<BR>
15. remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others: Responsibility for all your actions.<BR>
16. don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.<BR>
17. when u realize u've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.<BR>
18. smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in ur voice.<BR>
19. spend some time alone.<BR>
20. open yr arms to change but don't let go of ur values.<BR>
21. remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.<BR>
22. read more books and watch less TV.<BR>
23. live a good, honorable life. Then when u get older and think back, u'll get to enjoy it a second time.<BR>
24. pray. There's immeasurable power in it.<BR>
25. mind yur own business.<BR>
26. if u make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while u are living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction.<BR>
27. never interrupt when u are being flattered.<BR>
1.   remember that ur character is ur destiny.<BR> 2.   never lie; to hide one lie u have to lie… Read More
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Alayna DeOrio
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

mean this when u say it

Jesus I love you. I bring all of my sins to the foot of your cross. I am sorry and I repent and I turn from my old way of life and turn to you. Thank you, Jesus.<BR><BR>


I renounce you Satan, your lies and your promises and anything that has to do with the occult.<BR><BR>


Jesus, I believe you are the son of god and that you died on that cross just for me and arose from the dead on the third day that I may have eternal life; and if I were the only person in the whole world, you would still have died just for me. Thank you, Lord.<BR><BR>


Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart and live your life through me and be my personal savior and Lord. I will love you and I will serve you all the days of my life.<BR><BR>


Jesus, I ask you to baptize me with your holy spirit and to give me your gifts. Thank you father in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen<BR><BR>

Jesus I love you. I bring all of my sins to the foot of your cross. I am sorry and I repent and I turn from my old way of life an… Read More
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Alayna DeOrio
Alayna DeOrio
Alayna DeOrio
Alayna DeOrio
bobby westfall i heart u like wizzoah! :D
Alayna DeOrio
27 musts
Alayna DeOrio
mean this when u say it

My false

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