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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/youuknoww
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Alex Lycett
Kendyl nothing
I luv u 2 gurr!! Ur my bestest friend!! lol
Alex Lycett
iloveyou. you're my bffae. :]
Kayla Crawford
Hey! You added me on my old profile but I don't use it so Im adding u to my new one. :)
Alex Lycett
i'm gonna have to ask you to call me cuz i haven't talked to you in a long time except for this morning but that was like for 5 secs
Alex Lycett
hey wasup Jamie? much love.
Alex Lycett
today has been kinda bad but i'm writing on your wall cuz i love you
Alex Lycett
nice song. love you ken. ~~Alex~~ :roll:
Alex Lycett
i love you Kendyl like the sister i never had well actually i do have a sister but still you get my point lol 8)
Kendyl nothing
Hey Alex!! :D I luv you gurr ur my best friend and always will b!! Luv ya *Kendyl*
Alex Lycett
heyy, well thank you. urs is soo cute. much love. ~Alex
Joshua Brown
hey hey just wanted to say hi to all my buddies :D :D :D
jules wood
hey u have the cooliest profile sign my wall! later 8)
Jessica Faust
Will you tell me how to get that kool layout??? :lol:
Kendyl nothing
Hey!! I know gosh!! Ur my homie and I luv yooh 2!! lol Dude we are just so freakin cool!!! 8)

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