
samuel abell







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/bigsamizzle
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samuel abell
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Ariel Chhhhhhhhh.
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
Lol, 1) Hi! 2) Love the cursor! 3) Llamas are THE coolest animal ON the earth! Lol, 4) Arizona is an awesome state! :D Lol, well that's all for now, hope ta talk to you later, take care! :D -Ariel :D
Lol, 1) Hi! 2) Love the cursor! 3) Llamas are THE coolest animal ON the earth! Lol, 4) Arizona is an awesome state! :D Lol, well tRead More
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Cally Moore
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
I love llamas!!! :D
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Alarie Fink
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
I love your page! 8)
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samuel abell
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

7/21/2006 | 12:00 am

Misery, Hypocrisy, The life we choose to live, The sickness we are to give, The blindness we are to survive, And think we can solve by taking our own lives, And what do we get as our final bribe, Our soul is what we have been deprived, And what do you say your last decision is to make, Is whether or not misery is to be your fate. Love is not a weakness, Though it isn?t always true, It doesn?t always meet ends, It can turn you into a fool, Love can not sprout legs, Or turn its back on you, It?s with you almost always, Even through the flue, Why is what you ask me, Why I have said this all to you, Is because I have in the world, Is made for you. As I walk threw the darkness, And I see no light, I take a look back, And try to see where I screwed up with my life, But see, that?s what pain is for, You can?t push god away when he?s behind your locked door, See everybody trying to have somebody else make up they?re mind, But it might just work if you give it a try, And though the streets may turn from narrow to thin, The only way threw is the courage within. Flow stopper, Jaw dropper, Most incredible hip hopper, Entertainer, In saner, Rose from the struggle like a crusader, This cat is illness in the making, His rhymes are so hard that it?s even breathtaking, Cats start getting mad because they can?t even faze him, Not just the rhyme, but the introduction can even amaze them, Words can not describe this man who?s so amazing, People can?t hate his words, they can only just embrace them, And now for the question about which everyone is wondering, That one thought, that one thing, that is so mind boggling, Whose is this person that we are speaking of, The person is all of us, this person is America, The struggle that brought us threw, endowing us with freedom, Which is given to every woman or man to learn to live and love, We are America, and the future, But as foreshadowing, I see something brutal, We decided to recognize that our lives are futile, That we want no beginning, no end, and no future. In remembrance of my grandma, Ida Roush Samuel Abell
Misery, Hypocrisy, The life we choose to live, The sickness we are to give, The blindness we are to survive, And think we c… Read More
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samuel abell
Ariel Chhhhhhhhh.
Lol, 1) Hi! 2) Love the cursor! 3) Llamas are THE coolest animal ON the earth! Lol, 4) Arizona is an awesome state! :D Lol, well that's all for now, hope ta talk to you later, take care! :D -Ariel :D
Cally Moore
I love llamas!!! :D
Alarie Fink
I love your page! 8)
samuel abell

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