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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/birdman2
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
Amy Arzola
when u get on again i hav to tell u about somthing...comment back asap please!
Amy Arzola
i havent been on in 4-ever but the last tie u wrote a comment it said something big happened in ur life. wat large event was this?
EmmA C
ahh yeah./. there pretrty awesome! love em!
David Bretland
hey that is an awsome song i just saw then at the ALIVE fest the other day it was awsome
Melodie Beseeker
[b]Hey. Yea I know. Tell me about it. Sorry I never get on anymore, and also I\'ve been busy. So what have you been up to? ok ttyl. Peace.
Brianna Ashford
hey, long time no talk, how\'s it going? well, I\'m gonna go ttyl. ~~fire~~ 8)
Alyssa Rose
eh. not alot really. you?
David Bretland
hey whats new in life we haven\'t talked in forever :D
David Bretland
hey nothing really i saw Dead Silence last friday it was a AwSoMe movie but other then tht nothing has really happened life has been very slow
Brad Meekins
Hey man! yeah it has been awhile. Well things are just crazy here. School has been keeping me busy and what not and I broke up with my girlfriend last night. Im doing fine but shes not takin very well so im trying to deal with that. Other than that im doing great. How are you doin?
Jodi Horton
Oh, we\'re moving to Indiana. Maybe in like two weeks! How was your day?
Jodi Horton
Oh, that sounds like fun! No plans here. :roll: lol. We have been trying to get everything together bcs we are moving soon. It\'s been crazy!!!
David Bretland
hey yea tht sounds like fun but tht stinks i hate moving where u moving too? :D ttyl cyas
David Bretland
hey wuts up havn\'t talked in a while
David Bretland
hey wuts up

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