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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/coolguyrocks92
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
micheal ives
Melissa Lauren
hey!! nm just busy in school hbu? =D
Melissa Lauren
OMG O_o hey ur on!!!!! lol wow I havent talked to u in a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG TIMEEEEEEEEEEEE lol wats up ? hows life? ^_^
Sarah Taylor
i love your song ^^
Sarah Taylor
thanks!! there my favorite flower. :]
micheal ives
thanks i like your background its daisy are a great flower
micheal ives
your welcome thanks for accepting
Anna S
thanks for the add! :)
Anna S
no problem!
micheal ives
why do girls say no to a guys like me?
Chelsie Boyd
Thanks for stopping by and for the friend request. Keep on doing what you do for Jesus and always remember that everyone can reach someone for Jesus and you are never too old or young to do something for God.
felicia sedwick
i luv that song, and ur bg
micheal ives
whats up havent talked in a while
Melissa Lauren
oh Hey Michale nm just been busy lol how r u? get that job yet? love ur song from casting crowns
Jayell Schoorens
i added u lik u wanted me 2 now add me

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