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cynthia sullivan
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

JUNE 28=Friday

Hi Everyone!
Here is another short Devotional to hopefully bless your day!

You are the apple of His eye.

"Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
Hide me under the shadow of Your wings."
Psalm 17:8

Did you know, did you realize, that God Almighty only ever thinks about YOU? His Word tells us He only thinks loving, kind, respectful, cherishing, exquisitely lovely, good, purposeful thoughts about you constantly. His thoughts of you in any given moment outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore.

You are the apple of His eye. Quite literally, you are the pupil of His eye. You know, the black dot in the middle? In other words, He only sees you as a lover only sees the object of His affection.

If you have cause to doubt this ageless truth in this moment, well, it is time to get back to His Word. His unfailing, Truth-filled Word. It is time to carve a niche of your life to be alone with King Jesus the Living Word. He wants to remind you that you are everything to Him.

Because you, dear one, are all He sees.
Please leave a "yes" if you read today's short Devotional. If you have a moment, please share how it impacted your heart...

Hi Everyone! Here is another short Devotional to hopefully bless your day! You are the apple of His eye. "Keep me as t… Read More
  • 1
  • Heather marie yes I love that short devotional. It impacted my heart because It reminded me just how much he loves me and thinks of me and no matter what the situation I am going through he has me and my best interest in mind.
    5 years ago