
Be Holy because He is Holy


18 year(s) ago

Once you accept God's call on your life and you become a christian...you are called to be different. You are set apart...to be in the world but not of the world. So why then is it that you can't find on fire Christians anymore. I have been to countless sites at mypraize and other places like it where Christians are using profanity horribly...christians believe it's okay to casually drink...Christains don't love. Addressing the first issue in James the bible states that you should not swear by heaven or by earth. Also in James the bible states how your mouth is a world full of evil and how it is set on fire by Hell! Profanity is wrong and if you are a Christian who uses profanity...you are not only ruining your witness but the witness of those like me who work hard and strive to be Christ like in all ways. Do you seriously think Jesus would use profanity? Also along that line what about taking God's name in vain? Sayings like "Oh my God!" "Jesus Christ!" In doing this we are degrading the name of Jesus Christ and the name of His Father...so sad. Drinking is wrong! It is a sin to drink! The bible says that your body is the temple of God. When we ask Jesus "into our heart", we are asking him into our lives. It is a proven fact that even one drink of alcohol affects your mind and body. Do you think that God wants us to put a drug in his temple that causes us not to work to the potential that he has called us to? Once again if Jesus were here today would he drink? If you say no (which I hope you do) then why do you feel it is okay to do it? Finally, the last topic...Christians don't love. Why is it that people come into our church and we treat them like an outsider. We have our groups and don't have room for any one else. We don't love people enough to share our Lord Jesus Christ with them. We in fact must hate them because we are willing to send them to Hell a place of eternal torment. I have a friend who told me in a converstation I had with him that he died once and experienced Hell. He committed suicide but was rescued from the pit of Hell. He said it is more horrible then anything you can imagine. Why are we so willing to save our pride but kill our friends. "Be Holy because I am Holy"...this is God's calling on our life. Once we are saved we are free from our sin. We can live now free from the entanglement of sin and we are called to walk in the light. So now I'm asking you how will you chose to live for God?


18 year(s) ago

Okay I know that...I did read that somewhere about the wine...I will try and find that for you if I can...and you brought up a good point...however, my personal conviction is that drinking is wrong...It is a drug and you can't argue that I recant my comment about drinking but my point is still true...Christians in today's society are weak...if you claim to be a Christian you must walk as Jesus did...


18 year(s) ago

I can totaly relate to you. We are set apart from the world. We, as Christians strive to be holy, knowing that even the most holiest of us is yet rags before the Lord. So why do we continue knowing that we wouldn't be perfect until the day the Lord Jesus returns... because we are 'still' the light that sits on the hill for the world to see. It is Pleasing to the Lord that we don't give up no matter what our faults are. We christians have to learn how to love all over again. We must put Gods' will before our own issues. Remember, Love is the greatest of all these.


18 year(s) ago

I need some religeous advice! After leaving an untruthful church when was very young, I had no Idea what , who, or why god was. I was left this way for 6years olny getting glimpses of His glory. But this year my bestfriend introduced me to the glory of God. I met Him at a christian concert and I was promised the love of god. People keep saying that God and Jesus should be a part of everyday life but I was so new to this, I didnt know how to pray, who to walk in the way of love. I couldnt "be Holy because He's Holy" because I didnt know how Holy He was and how Holy i should be! I still dont even know what words to capitalize! But my friend has brought me to her church and I will be meeting God for the second time on Sunday. God bless, because know I now how Great His blessings are!! -hearts-:cheer: "God makes beautiful things for a reason" -Petrarose [img]http://www.mypraize.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/Gods_glory.jpg[/img]


18 year(s) ago

this is often a hard thing to argue about and stuff, I have heard many , many debates about this at church and school alot, since, the Bible does say alot about wine, it doesn't say it is a sin though, it says not to be drunk, and I agree, but the only reason poeple now a days drink is to get drunk. unless they like the taste, but the taste is disgusting! in romans 14:21 it says,"It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." and in other verses like titus 1:7 it says" For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; " we are stewards of God are we not? but the verse says not given to wine, I am thinking that might mean surrenedered to wine or somethingmlike that, correct me if I am wrong. but the Bible also mentions so much about wine that tells us just not to be drunk. It is a very hard topic to decipher. I choose not to drink wine. The Bible tells us that John wasn't supposed to have any wine or other strong drink, so I think I will stay away from that stuff. Whatever you think God wants you to do. But would God really want you to drink something that could hurt you?

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