
Need help understanding Isaiah. [Isaiah 2]


14 year(s) ago

Hey, so I've started reading Isaiah this week. I'm only on chapter 2, mostly because I'm having trouble understanding it. The first chapter makes sense, its about Judah and Jerusalem and the corruption there. God is fed up with them. Chapter 2... well, its starts with "In the last days" I'm trying to make sense out of it. Is this a prophecy that hasn't happened yet or has? The first 5 verses seem to be on a completely different track than the rest of the chapter. Its just confusing. Will I understand more by reading more of the book.? Any help understanding this book would be nice. Thankyou.


14 year(s) ago

Isaiah is a long book. That being said, it would be best to try to read through it in one sitting if possible. If not, try to set aside a set amount of time each day to read in this book. The best way to get a sense of the book is to read the whole book. A Study Bible with an outline of the book of Isaiah may be helpful to understanding the structure and themes in Isaiah. I use an NIV Study Bible (among other resources). The outline has chapters 1-39 as part 1: the book of Judgment and chapters 40-66 as Part 2, the book of comfort. In part 1, chapters 1-6 are messages of rebuke and promise. Chapter 1 is an introduction in which God levies charges against Judah for breaking the covenant. Chapters 2 through 4 deal with the future discipline and glory of Judah and Jerusalem. In chapter 2, verses 1-5 are about Jerusalem's future blessings. Chapter 2:6 through Chapter 4:1, are about The Lord's discipline of Judah. Chapter 2, verse 2, "in the last days." What does this refer to? NIV notes: "Can refer to the future generally (see Gen 49:1), but usually it seems to have in view the Messianic era. In a real sense the last days began with the first coming of Christ (see Acts 2:17; Hebrews 1:2) and will be fulfilled at his second coming." I hope this is of some help.

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