Bio : Deleted all other social media platforms over a year ago.. Although it has increased my relationship with Jesus, I would still like to join a community with my brothers and sisters in Christ. So here I am, hoping this is the right place ?
Isa RiveraHi Therese!! Nice to meet you ?? I like writing stories too!! I would love to read some of your work if you?re ever open to it. I would love to see some of your art too! My daughter is an artist; she painted the Jesus portrait on my profile pic- We also love anime!
9 days ago
Therese PeytonCool, what do you like to write? The Jesus portrait reminds me of stained glass. Your daughter seems talented! Sure, I'd like to share my anime stories and art! :) I'm currently writing a cute, fun story (3 chapters so far) about a girl who turns into a mermaid. You can read it here:… (Your daughter can read it, too, if she wants!) I go by the name 'DreamyLaLa' on that website, by the way.
Hi Isa, welcome are so glad you decided to join us here at myPraize. Looking forward to seeing your posts and interactions. Join a few groups and make some friends. Let me be the first. Sent you a friend request. Have a wonderful day! :)
Hi Isa, welcome are so glad you decided to join us here at myPraize. Looking forward to seeing your posts and interactions. Join a…
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Hi Isa, welcome are so glad you decided to join us here at myPraize. Looking forward to seeing your posts and interactions. Join a few groups and make some friends. Let me be the first. Sent you a friend request. Have a wonderful day! :)