Bio : Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Therese Peyton, and I am a female, self-taught manga artist/writer who specializes in cute yet meaningful anime art and stories. I write original stories about everything from mermaids and fantasy to teenagers starting their own music group! I also have a habit of coming up with more story ideas than I know I have time for! I?m inspired by nature, vintage and retro things, Japanese and European culture, and, most importantly, my Catholic faith.
My other interests include food (particularly afternoon tea, European pastries, and Asian cuisine!), old sitcoms, and reading classic fairytales. I joined myPraize to find more female Christian friends with similar interests! Thanks for stopping by!? ?
Isa RiveraHi Therese!! Nice to meet you ?? I like writing stories too!! I would love to read some of your work if you?re ever open to it. I would love to see some of your art too! My daughter is an artist; she painted the Jesus portrait on my profile pic- We also love anime!
9 days ago
Therese PeytonCool, what do you like to write? The Jesus portrait reminds me of stained glass. Your daughter seems talented! Sure, I'd like to share my anime stories and art! :) I'm currently writing a cute, fun story (3 chapters so far) about a girl who turns into a mermaid. You can read it here:… (Your daughter can read it, too, if she wants!) I go by the name 'DreamyLaLa' on that website, by the way.
Therese PeytonHi, Kathi, nice to meet you! I like your bio and your nickname 'Chatmom'! Similar to your kids, I come from a family of six (3 boys and 3 girls!). I joined myPraize because I wanted to find a Christian alternative to social media in which to share my art and stories!