Maddison Williams
yeah, i´d have to say your really lame too (i already posted this on natalie and courtneys things) i thought that i´d gotten all these people to join the site and i did, but then i was like AHHH, this is so Lame nobody does anything with should seriously not forget that you have this site again....stick a post-it note on your forhead.
Natalie Sego
hey, it´s not. just thought i´d join in the crusade to get you to post, or something...
Maddison Williams
are you EVER going to do anything with this site or did you forget you had it again?!?! lol......your so sweet, i love you hecka much! talk to you later lovely!
Nicki Pearce
hey michael.
how's it goin?
my names nicki.
nice to meet you.
Nicki Pearce
hey yuh little hottie!!!
lovin what's you've done with the place!!!
well my mypraize looks awful but just give me some time and i'll work my'll be the best one on here.
wink wink of course.
love you lots maddy son!!
Maddison Williams
Hi hun, if you want to add me to your buddies you have to look under pending requests and accept my request to be your buddy! just so you know....anyways, i love you so stinkin much!!!! smooches......-maddie
Maddison Williams
"Good little girls make some mighty wild women" [with an accent] LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....good times!
love you....
Maddison Williams
HEY LOVELY! you finnally got one of these things! ahh, i miss you hecka much! we are going to have soooo much fun this summer! WOot WooT! well, i will have to call you this weekend, love you hun!