Natalie Sego
hey sasha, it´s maddie´s sister nat, also launie´s friend. do you remember me from the retreat? ya, well, I finally got one of these, and maddie told me you were on so, ya. hi.
Natalie Sego
hey, it´s not. just thought i´d join in the crusade to get you to post, or something...
Maddison Williams, umm.......your the lamest sister i´ve ever had. lol...its okay though. one of us has to be! no no no, i am just kidding. your not lame....your just not like me. okay, well i am done being stupid now. all my love,
Natalie Sego
yeah, i love you too maddie.
Natalie Sego
Well then....
Natalie Sego
Hello, my darling sister. yes, it is me, [i]your[/i] darling sister. *haha* Well, I finally joined. Funny, huh, how i did it spur of the moment, rather than at your urging? Anywya, sjust saying howdy, luv ya, and I know you luv me!
~Nat 8)
Natalie Sego
Hey courtney! This is yet another cousin, maddi's sis, nat. well....hi then!
~Nat 8)
Maddison Williams
umm, yeah, i didnt really get that part about my urging...but you dont need to tell me anyways! lol...well yeah, hi back. love you lovely!