Bio : Greetings,
I am here to bear witness to God?s love and mercy. Truly, He loves us! Though we might be driven to doubt Him in times of suffering, He understands and is faithful to not forsake us. You could be stranded on a remote uninhabited island but, know this: God would find and be there with you. Even if you knew nothing of Him, He would enlighten you ? just as His Spirit has filled voids in my understanding of His love and grace; He was my great helper when no one else was there to guide me. Whether you would curse or cry out for Him in misery, trust that He would listen and patiently reveal to you His love; for I have come to know our Heavenly Father who would not abandon and forget His children. ***
I am a certified Chaplain who established a ministry in 2011 that grew to 1.3 million followers by 2014 ? all to perpetuate the message of hope that is the basis of my book, The Hope in Personal Apocalypse. ***
After 2014, Facebook apparently began to drastically suppress my reach like so many other Christian and conservatives pages. ***
After hearing of this social network, I joined to start anew with hope to again engage an active online Christian community where I could resume my passion. ***
My heart has long been to share the good news about the hope of Jesus that saved me and its assurance that no one is hopeless. My book is my next step to fulfill a calling to declare what God, by His love and mercy, has done for me. ***
Feel free to reach out any time with questions, prayer requests, and other needs. You may also visit my website to learn more about me, about my book, and freely access other inspirational content: ***
God bless you all! ***
- Jeff H. Ulrich
Jeff H. UlrichHi, I'm new to this social network. If you would not mind, I would appreciate a little bit of help. I saved my profile pic and bio, but the bio I entered is not what I see so far; the final was much longer. Does this network moderate so that there could be a delay in the bio update?