Bio : Born again in1983 and a believer in the Word of God as final authority in creation. I have worked in bus ministries, prison ministries and other Christian endeavors. Called to ministry of the ?End Time church? and the discovery of hidden Truth in His Word.
This is the first social media site I have embraced with such hope. In these days the realm of electronic engagement is associated with deception and control. I understand that rules must be applied with every social avenue of engagement to achieve the intended purpose designed for that setting. I hope to operate within this ministry to afford those who share this space an opportunity to benefit from my life experience while I also benefit from the experiences of others who have gifts differing from mine. One thing I have noticed is that the system is very stable with no latency or wait time. This is a very admirable trait when engaging with an electronic medium. I spent most of my life in the information technology environment although My skill set has slipped because it has been 20 years since I have operated in that discipline.
To the administrators of this social media experience Thank You!
This is the first social media site I have embraced with such hope. In these days the realm of electronic engagement is associate…Read More