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Apostle M Taylor
Apostle M Taylor
Apostle M Taylor
Change Must Take Place In Order For Growth To Manifest For Where There Is No Change Stagnation Lies!!!
Apostle M Taylor
Spiritual Fact Of The Day: God Did Not Create His Daughters To Uncover Each Other Intimately. But To Love Each Other As Sisters In Christ!!! Romans 1:20-26
Apostle M Taylor
Who's Truth Are You Believing...God's Or Man's? Truth Is Something That We As Believers Must Walk In. Because Our God Represents All Truth, For There Is Nothing But Truth In Him. Jesus Died So That We Could Be Set Free. But The Question Is, What Are We Doing With That Freedom? Are We Using That Freedom To Glorify Him, Or Are We Using It To Bring Glory, To Ourselves And The Enemy? How Do We Know If We Are Glorifying God? We Know By The Way WE Live. Our Lives Should Reflect Truth, Righteousness, And Holiness, Because When It Does, Then, God The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit Will Be Glorified. But If Our Lives Are Full Of Sin, Lies, Deceit, Discord, And Disobedience, Then The Enemy, And Not God Is Glorified. God Will Not Be Mocked, He Will Not And Cannot Tolerate Sin, Because It Goes Against His Very Nature. Because Sin Is Not A Reflection Of Him But Of The Enemy. God Knows What Is Best For Us, We Don't, But Every Time We Choose Our Way, We Are Saying To God, "Thank You, I'll Take It From Here!" God Will Never Force Himself On Us, He Will Kindly Bow Out Of The Way, And Allow Us To Do What We Feel We Know Best. Not Realizing Our Best Will Never Be His, And Our Best Will Only Cause Open Doors To The Enemy. So Again, Whose Truth Are You Walking In? God's Or Man's? Something To Truly Think About!!!
Apostle M Taylor
This Is What The Lord Is Saying To His People... The Time Has Come For Me To Show Who I Am To My People. I Am Not A God That Takes Pleasure In Sin, And Soon Shall My Wrath Begin!!! This Word Was Given To The Apostle, This 10th Day Of March 2023 Let God Be Given All Honor, Glory & Praise!!!
Apostle M Taylor
Spirits Attach Themselves To Our Weak Areas If We Do Not Get Them Under The Blood...Which In Turn Forms Strongholds And Gives The Enemy Place!!!
Apostle M Taylor
HELP - The Shortest Word, But Yet Hard To Say!!! Apostle Marcella
Apostle M Taylor
We Don't Have To Ask God To Bless Us...Because Our Obedience Will Speak For Us!!! Something To Think About!!! Apostle Marcella
Apostle M Taylor
Hananiah Died Because Of His Lies Samson Lost His Anointing Because He Allowed his Flesh To Rule Jonah Leaned Unto His Own Understanding And Disobeyed God SIN WILL NEVER WIN!!!
Apostle M Taylor
Cruelty Does Not Promote The Righteousness Of God, It Only Helps The Agenda Of The Enemy!!! Apostle Marcella
Apostle M Taylor
When We Ignore The Voice Of The Holy Spirit...We Set Ourselves Up For Failure!!! Apostle Marcella
Apostle M Taylor
Word Of The Day: Colossians 3:8-10 (NIV) 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Apostle Marcella
Apostle M Taylor
A False Prophet's Confidence Will Be Their Downfall...But A Prophet Of The Lord Will Stand!!! Apostle Marcella
Apostle M Taylor
Hidden Sin Gives Place To The Enemy...Providing An Open Door!!! Apostle Marcella

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