?When we feel that we are not loved, remember the Lord loves us in the good, bad, and ugly? Psalms 139.
There are times in our lives when we feel unwanted and unloved. Some of us have experienced the hurt and pain of love through death, divorce, infidelity, abandonment, domestic violence, emotional abuse, child abuse, and more.
If you have been through this, go and read this Psalm, it will make you feel better and the reason I can tell you this is because I had to read it. The Lord led me to this Psalm when I had been hurt and abandoned and I could feel the Love of our Lord and Savior from it. I thank the Lord and Savior for loving me when I had felt unloved!
The Lord told me as I was reading this Psalm:
?If no one ever Loves you, remember I will always Love you! I Love you unconditionally because you are my child and my Love.? It brought tears of joy and my heart filled up with peace and Love. My love for others grew even more and it was easy for me to love the ones who had hurt me through their words and actions. It was easy for me to forgive more than before just like the Lord forgives us.
Let?s walk in Love as Jesus Christ of Nazareth showed us as He walked this earth. Ephesians 5:2. Walking in love doesn?t mean you let someone talk down to you or hurt you mentally, physically or emotionally.
You can handle situations like this by letting the Lord fight for you with the Word of God and when you?re finished, they will know it?s God,
But God! The Lord will always intercede for us; just ask. Sometimes we have to reprimand in love and keep it moving. Sometimes we have to love from afar.
The Lord Bless and Keep you! I love you like Christ loves the church!
Overseer Betty Jennings
Jesus Christ of Nazareth Loves You! ?When we feel that we are not loved, remember the Lord loves us in the good, bad, and ugl…Read More