
Amy Ferrell







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/revelationiscomingtopass
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Amy Ferrell
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Did you hear about the HUGE earthquake on its way??

People its time for us to get real .It's time for us to wake up and see that this world is not getting ANY better. I honestly believe that were in the "final days". I know we have been hearing about the "End Times" for a LONG time but I mean. Read Revelation and then tell me that you don't believe that this world is winding down??? Well did u read it??? Do you see the signs and all of that coming into place? it's time to stop worrying about all this worldly stuff and focus on God and his return. You know ..they are messing with Gods people over in Israel and I honestly don't know how much more God is going to take of this until he pours out his wrath upon them. There were studies done and traced down in the Bible and it says that there will be an earthquake like no other. Like nothing that has EVER been recorded or will ever be recorded. Im telling you people we need to GET READY!!!! And STAY READY!! You are not promise tomorrow..Your not promise 5 min. from now. If you died right now..Would you be able to honestly be happy with the you lived and honestly say that you will enter the gates without any questioning? I hope so. But if not PLEASE get in your bible and ask God for forgiveness because the only way you will live with him forever is to give your life,soul,etc. to Jesus Christ. He is coming back for his bride, a bride without spot or blemish. I pray that I'am that bride and i pray that you are also. -Amy
People its time for us to get real .It's time for us to wake up and see that this world is not getting ANY better. I honestly beli… Read More
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Amy Ferrell
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
HEy You guys...Write on my wall...thanks byes..hehehe :)
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Amy Ferrell
Did you hear about the HUGE earthquake on its way??
Amy Ferrell
HEy You guys...Write on my wall...thanks byes..hehehe :)

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