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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/vivian08
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Vivian Hunt
Tyler Bounds
wow viv i havent been on in days whats up with you
rueben gomez
hey wat up
Vivian Hunt
Tyler Bounds
hey whats up sry i havet text in a while i gave the phone back so that i can go to metro pcs
Vivian Hunt
Hey!! Yea I guess I'm excited for school... I kno it sucks that we didn't get to hang out.... but hey we can hang during school... what time will you be leavin for votech? well I'll see you in a week haha... Ttyl ~ Vivian
Kayla marie
hey viv arent u excited for school? lol i am!! OMG i saw the movie step up and it was awesome! lol i loved it! So yeah see ya next wednesday, sorry we didnt get to hang out this summer! luv ya! oh have you talked to amber lately?
Vivian Hunt
Hey... nm what about you? sry it took so long I've been working alot.. God Bless ~ Vivian
Sarah Hamilton
hey soooo wuts up???
Tyler Bounds
hay whats up im talking to you in the chat room and i wanted to leave you a comment :lol: tyler
Kayla marie
hey whats up? This dumb computer wont let me send u a message! Sorry well ttyl yeah im back by the way
Crystal Alvarez
hey.. just writing tou to tell you hi... so hi..lol.. Luv ~CLA~ :D
Vivian Hunt
Hey!! Thanks for stopping by my pg.... well hope all is well.... God Bless ~Vivian
matthew cherry
your a cutie
Vivian Hunt
Hey you!! It has been 4ever... well How are you? I hope all is well..Hope to hear from you soon... God Bless ~Vivian

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