







11 Jul

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David M Humphrey
You really can do all things through Christ Who strenthens you...
David M Humphrey
A good definition of the word 'Faith' is, 'Your level of confidence in God and His ablility AND your level of confidence in His willingess to use that ability on your behalf.' It's not merely enough to believe that God is 'able', but that He's willing to use that ability on our behalf...
David M Humphrey
The Word does not say that the Anointing 'breaks the yoke'. The Word says that the Anointing 'destroys the yoke.' Isa.10:27 Which frankly is much better. Why? Because anything 'broken' can be repaired, and used again against you. But anything 'destroyed' can NEVER EVER be used against you again...
David M Humphrey
Luke 1:37 KJV: "For with God nothing shall be impossible..." Luke 1:37 Literal translation from the original Greek: "For no word from God shall ever be without power, or impossible of fulfilment, but has the power within itself, to make itself come to pass..."
David M Humphrey
David M Humphrey
Truly, Greater IS He That is in Us, Than he That is in the World...
David M Humphrey
Kathi (Admin)
Welcome to the myPraize community David!
David M Humphrey
As Christians We Are Faced With Spiritual Conflict on Every Side, But we Are Not Defenseless...
David M Humphrey
Are we Christian Soldiers, or Christian Warriors? A Christian Soldier does whatever he can, A Christian Warrior does whatever it takes...

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