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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/cherubim27
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Rebecca McFarlane
Rebecca McFarlane
Just thought I would say hi..... your son is sooo cute. God Bless Rebecca :D
Rebecca McFarlane
Hello there, I was reading some of your blogs and just wanted to encourage you. Being a parent is hard, but sooo worth it. I am sure he will be fine in daycare, just trust your insticts and try not to worry so much, God says we should trust him and therefore we shouldn't worry. Well Hang in there and God Bless!
Rebecca McFarlane
hello, how are you today? I am new to this my praize thing. I learned about through my battlecry. you should check it out, since you have teens. http://www.battlecry.com/battleplan.php?username=cherubim27 have a great day :wink:
Rebecca McFarlane
Hello there! I am new to my praize, my daughter has a myspace account and uses it often, i have been trying to encourage her to use this one instead... anyway, you should check out my battlecry page http://www.battlecry.com/battleplan.php?username=cherubim27 It is similar to mypraize but mainly teens, I work with teens (and have one) so I use it to
Rebecca McFarlane
Check it out
Rebecca McFarlane
Painful obedience
Rebecca McFarlane

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