Due the the growth of the ministry, I will be moving all King'z Kid Ministries content to its' own facebook page. Those who have been faithfully following and supporting, you may find me under King'z Kid Ministry or King'z Kid Poetry Slam for dates and times of my poetry slam performance. For those who are new to this current page, I hope to see you on the other side. Lol. I am posting two final videos on this page. The Downtrodden is for my Time Talent and Treasure Mission and the Race for the Cure (well that speaks for itself). Peace and much love-Tiff
The Downtroddenhttp://kingzkid3.wixsite.com/kingzkidrace4cure ( I hope to see you there)
Due the the growth of the ministry, I will be moving all King'z Kid Ministries content to its' own facebook page. Those who have …
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The DowntroddenGiving your Time, Talent and Treasure to those feeling oppressed