
Content Rejected
Tiffany Williams
8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago
I have been feeling for the next generation so most of my messages are to help families thrive and bring them closer with one another and the Lord. I have updated my website and added a blog. I will be performing at the Java Coffee House and Firehouse to perform my poetry. I am very excited because I have some messages that had my head spinning when I wrote them. Now, I have to "bring it!" I will be posting the dates, time and location later. Check out the Youtube Video and subscribe that you like the video. Thank you and have a bless weekend Welcome to the Faith
I have been feeling for the next generation so most of my messages are to help families thrive and bring them closer with one anotRead More
Welcome to the Faith Introducing King'z Kid Poetry Slam in Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Visit Facebook.com/Kingzkidministry for dates, times, and location. Welcome to the Faith
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