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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/elboogie
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elmar stewart
Sarah Carswell
You are popping up everywhere now bud! Check out me and tina's pictures! :lol:
elmar stewart
ahhhh! much better. but one thing is still bothering me. the word "great" is not big enough...remember i am chinky! ha ha ha well thanks for that! now i feel special...but a picture with jon would've been better... :wink:
Sarah Carswell
LOL!!!!!!!!! Look at 'our' picture on my page! Love ya! :lol:
elmar stewart
thanks to you, im starting to have a new outlook on this whole thing. instead of worrying, i try to keep my eyes on jesus! holla! anyway as soon as i kick this cold, me and you are gonna go nine innings or 12 rounds of boxing, choose your poison... :x duell is funny!
elmar stewart
hey you're going a little crazy with your page...im gonna have to ask you to SIMMER DOWN NOW! 8) thanks for loving bill...i just saw that on your page so im backing up my boy...anyway see you tomorrow if cold clears. :x
elmar stewart
hey there's no picture of me and you!?!...that's it, im quitting the team. is it cause i only shower once a month? haha well we'll work on that, hope to see you and jonathan on thursday,
Bill Waslar
hey BRO! i cant wait to hear all your thoughts on that message. Those are things i constantly use to stay up man... faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God :D
Tina Waslar
LOLOLOLOL :lol: Yeah, I got a bit bored the other day and went a little crazy redesigning my page :roll: Stay tuned to see what I've got up my sleeve for next time :wink: Cold, be cursed in Jesus mighty name :!: There, see ya tomorrow :D :D :D :D :D
elmar stewart
hey girl! you need to get your brother on here. tell him it's a chat room for WOW players.. :wink: heard you were sick on sunday, well feel better so i can get you sick. peace
Sarah Carswell
What's UP!!!!!!!!! Elmar, I just want to tell you how glad I am that we are friends. I look forward to seeing you every Sunday and at practice. You are a MIGHTY CHILD OF THE LORD! He will NEVER leave you!!!!! And neither will we, Jonathan and I love you!
elmar stewart
thanks for the email. im listening to it right now as i write. he is funny from the moment i pushed play, i got goosebumps and it hasn't gone away...cool. thanks for calling me tonight, needed to hear that bro. really needed to hear that.
Bill Waslar
when everything feels and looks like God forgot about you, all that means is that the devil remembered you. you have become an important player in Gods kingdom and the enemy wants you gone BUT Christ Jesus will continue the work which he began in you until the DAY OF COMPLETION!!! Yahhh! :shock:
Bill Waslar
you are HEALED in Jesus name! TRUTH trumps the 5 senses!! :shock:
Tina Waslar
Thank you so much for the ride :D I always enjoy hanging out with you and learning about the Phillipines & I guess just learning more about you as a person 8) Bill & I both really enjoy having you as a friend & bro in the LORD :!: :!:

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