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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/justbeingme3437
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Jenna Hill
Tina Waslar
Thanks :D Told you I was bored :!:
Jenna Hill
I like the new look :) :D
Jenna Hill
I'm excited too. I'm amazed by the sound that was coming out of me Sunday. See you Thursday! :)
Bill Waslar
jenna i am proud of you, you did a great job sunday! its going to be fun working you in more and more as we grow as a team. yah! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Jenna Hill
I've had that sn for quite a long time...and I got the numbers from a box that was sitting by the computer. No special meaning!
Tina Waslar
What's 3437 stand for, if I may ask :?: Have a blessed day :D
Tina Waslar
I enjoyed spending time with you Jenna :D It was great to get to know you a little better, and I'm excited to be a part of seeing you learn and grow in the LORD. Besides that, I think you're a wonderful addition to the team and we're going to have alot of fun and laughs together :wink: Have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!
Jenna Hill
I really enjoyed chatting with you today. A little insight on how crazy my family is and how I used to be. So glad I found Jesus!! My life is so much better now!! See you Sunday! :)
Jenna Hill
Thanks for making me laugh always! I don't think you realize it, but you really amuse me. Especially with all of your voices :D
Tina Waslar
Hi Jenna :!: Glad that you'll be there this week :D Sarah and I need you to help us pick on Elboogie :lol: Service is at the park this week unless it rains, in case you didn't know 8) SEE YA
elmar stewart
hey girl! you need to get your brother on here. tell him it's a chat room for WOW players.. :wink: heard you were sick on sunday, well feel better so i can get you sick. peace
Tina Waslar
Jenna, we miss seeing your beautiful face :cry:
wayne nabors
i am the 4th person to write on the famous wall Christ in you is the hope of glory We are proud of you
Tina Waslar
Hey you cute liitle thing :!: Glad to see you're signed up :D

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