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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/teener
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Tina Waslar
k-10 pr
i had a myspace as a guy named \"joel\" (i was undercover playing around) I don\'t go on there much anymore. i didn\'t know many people on there, if i would\'ve known you guys were there, i would\'ve been chatin\' w/you. Have you given yourself time to get in your bible? That WORD is your power! you know that! If you ever want to chat...CALL ME!!!
k-10 pr
hi tina! i didn\'t think i\'d hear from anyone on this sight. i can go to \"myspace\" if that\'s where you go most often. (Lory told me how to get there.) Are you getting any rest girl? stay focused on eternity and remember when you e-mailed me before and said \"keep rockin\' the heavens with prayer\", well we know there rockin now! Love you! Kristen
Tina Waslar
I am getting some rest, finally! Thanks for thinking of me. Your darn right that the heavens are rockin\'. What a glorious reunion it will be, eh? I used to be on here all the time until everyone else stopped :( Do you have a myspace as well?
k-10 pr
hello? hello? is there anyone out there? i see ya\'ll quit writing a while back...i just joined! come back! come back!
Tina Waslar
Happy Anniversary to the most wonderful hubby in the world :D I love you baby :wink:
Bill Waslar
Happy Anniv. to you baby! The next huge bunch of years will be amazingly abundant with lots of camping, fun, and enjoyment of life!! Thank you Jesus! :idea:
Tina Waslar
That's OK, my sweetheart :wink: I still like to get my little love notes from you :wink: LOVE YOU :!:
Bill Waslar
good morning litle girl love you (i'm in the other room) hahaha :lol:
Tina Waslar
Just wanted to leave you a nice little message so that next time you log on you will be surprised :D I LOVE YOU :roll:
Tina Waslar
FYI:Bob Seger has a new album out :D Just thought you might like to know :lol:
Tina Waslar
Todd, you rock 8) Thanks for your help and friendship :D
Tina Waslar
Thank you for my surprise baby :D This makes me very happy :D I love you so much :wink:
Bill Waslar
surprise sweety! just want to say i love you and thank you for being an outstandingly supportive wife thru this temporary fix :shock: :shock: :shock:
Tina Waslar
Thanks :D Told you I was bored :!:

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