


17 year(s) ago

hey my life has been horrible the past few weeks. i found out a friend is lesbian, a guyfriend is bi, a girl friend of mine isnt talkin to me and is goin prep, my mama wont let me go to the Florida Keys with my biology class this feb cause it caost to much(i could get the money we r doin fundraisers, christmas is comin..) our youth group might not go to Snowbird for our summer trip(i cant live without that place.). i have cried a lot and just got done....for now. i have had thoughts of cuttin myself, but havent yet. im afriad i might go into a depression... :( :( at school i always smile no matter what and push the pain down deep. i hide it. i feel my heart is breaking..... i cant take this much longer....


17 year(s) ago

for a while, i felt like that, too. if you're in your early teens or a little younger, it's probably that your hormones going crazy, and that would be messing with your emotions a lot. to calm yourself, you can just lay on your bed and close your eyes and just RELAX. to make yourself feel better, you could pick one of your best buds or a close family members and do something fun. you could go to the movies, go roller skating, go bowling, or whatever you and your friend like to do. try not to focus on what you DON'T get to do, but what you DO get to do. plan something with friends to look forward to at the end of the week. hope this helps!

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