
Gay Rights


17 year(s) ago

A few decades ago, gay people were fired from jobs, shunned from society, and some even killed. Now, these people are asking for their rights as Americans by pursuing jobs, asking to adopt kids, and getting married (maybe they were allowed to do this in the past, but I don't know). They're fighting against the prejudice set against them for their freedom. What I'm asking is do you think these people should have these rights? Do they deserve them? Discuss.


17 year(s) ago

Marriage? No. Adopting kids? I'm a little iffy on that as I can't think of anything out of the Bible right off hand which condemns it (other than the fact that it condemns homosexuality), but for now I'd say no.


17 year(s) ago

Marriage= no adoption= no shunned from society= no killed= no They are people, but they are sinning for being like that, even we sin though, by lying and everything, but that doesn't meane get shunned from society and everything, but by sinning some of our rights get taken away.I don't think they should be able to adopt kids, i am sorry, i don't think they should be allowed to get married, marriage is between a man and a women not a women and a women, or a man and a man. so they shouldn't get married either. but they shouldn't be killed. or anything that bad.


17 year(s) ago

Should they be allowed to have a job? Or should we kick them to the street and let them join the homeless society?


17 year(s) ago

no, they should be allowed to have a job, in my opinion. How else will they live?


17 year(s) ago

In Indiana, we have "no fault termination." This, according to critics, works contrary to equal rights laws. I tend to support no fault termination, just the same. The reason being, if I have a business, I should have the right to hire and fire whoever I want. It has nothing to do with gays, or blacks, or women or anything else. For example, if I catch somebody doing drugs on the job, it has to be dealt with. I don't want to make a criminal matter out of it, and I don't want to put anything on their permanent record (like "Reason for termination: drug use") but I can't have it in my workplace, so no fault termination is a good way to protect the employee's privacy, while exercising my rights as an employer. I think housing is one of the most important. I think it should be illegal to deny homosexuals housing, point blank. What good does it do to guarantee them the right to work, until they can use that money for a place to live? Marriage - I thought everybody would win with civil union. I think it shows the unwillingness of all extemist politicians to compromise that NOBODY supported it. Adoption - OF COURSE THEY SHOULD. Are you kidding me? To anybody that thinks a child is better off being raised as a ward of the State, or in an orphanage than with loving gay parents, I would ask have you ever actually KNOWN a kid that grew up a ward of the State, and do you think s/he would feel the same way?


17 year(s) ago

children given to gay parents are a little bit messed up, from those i have met, maybe not all of them, i don't really know howthey would act with them, only having one gender of parent would be hard, what if you had a question about ___________________________. you couldn't ask the parent if they have never been there. i think it would be better in the orphanage, i really do. they would get schooling and everything. but i may need to think over my matters a little bit from the points matt_ bob made so children = ??????


17 year(s) ago

Gays are people and deserve the same rights as everyone else in the US. Just because you think they sin doesn't mean they should be punished by our laws for something that doesn't hurt anyone. Should all sinner not be allowed to get married or adopt children? I think a child being raised by gay parents would be better off then going from foster home to foster home until they are 18 and then left on their own. I don't see the problem with having gay parents there are plenty of single parents out there, so its not like you need both genders there to raise a child.


17 year(s) ago

I'm going with what most people have said, They deserve their rights. They should be allowed to marry, to have jobs, to get homes, adopting children, I'm still a bit iffy about. And maybe I just watch too much TV, but if it's true that people rally against the gays (Christians especially) I have something to say about it: Homosexuality is a sin. That is clearly stated. And if we consider gay people sinners, we consider them our enemies (I think). And Jesus spoke on how we must treat our enemies in Matthew: "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love you enemies and pray for those who persecute you." -Matthew 6:43-44 So, we should at least treat them kind enough by giving them their rights. That's my opinion.


17 year(s) ago


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