Of Suffering.... I would not trade a day of my life or the trials that I've been through. For everything that's come my way, has taught me something new. Suffering produced character and hardships taught me to lean, not on my own understanding, but rather on the one who redeems. He has taken the ashes life can produce and replaced it with great beauty, He has turned my tears to the purest joy but to let him was my duty. I can choose the bitter or the sweet it's really up to me. I can fight the process of strength and growth or give in gracefully. I can forgive and in peace safely dwell all the days I will live, or I can choose to hold a grudge and miss the blessings he gives. I could spend all my time wishing my life had been better, or I can take what I've been given and live in joy unfettered. For nothing that has come my way came by any mistake, It had to go through my father's hands, it was his decision to make. He knew what it would take to lead me to his plan, to recognize my greatest need was to take my savior's hand. And in those caloused nail scarred hands I'd feel a pulse that beat for me, Only then would I understand, the price paid at Calvary. So I have learned that sometimes suffering comes to me by disguise It's really preparation for blessings if I'll just open my eyes. If the greatest sorrow I bear in this world helps but one person; my lord to meet, Then the cost of a soul will be easy to bear when I find myself at his feet. Jerilyn Childs-Lange (c) 1-24-18
Of Suffering.... I would not trade a day of my life or the trials that I've been through. For everything that's come my way…
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Finally a place without the drama of Facebook and the things that sadden my heart! I wanted a place with likeminded Christians and stumbled on MyPraise yay me! Yay God!!
Finally a place without the drama of Facebook and the things that sadden my heart! I wanted a place with likeminded Christians and…
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Of Suffering.... I would not trade a day of my life or the trials that I've been through. For everything that's come my way, has taught me something new. Suffering produced character and hardships taught me to lean, not on my own understanding, but rather on the one who redeems. He has taken the ashes life can produce and replaced it with great beauty, He has turned my tears to the purest joy but to let him was my duty. I can choose the bitter or the sweet it's really up to me. I can fight the process of strength and growth or give in gracefully. I can forgive and in peace safely dwell all the days I will live, or I can choose to hold a grudge and miss the blessings he gives. I could spend all my time wishing my life had been better, or I can take what I've been given and live in joy unfettered. For nothing that has come my way came by any mistake, It had to go through my father's hands, it was his decision to make. He knew what it would take to lead me to his plan, to recognize my greatest need was to take my savior's hand. And in those caloused nail scarred hands I'd feel a pulse that beat for me, Only then would I understand, the price paid at Calvary. So I have learned that sometimes suffering comes to me by disguise It's really preparation for blessings if I'll just open my eyes. If the greatest sorrow I bear in this world helps but one person; my lord to meet, Then the cost of a soul will be easy to bear when I find myself at his feet. Jerilyn Childs-Lange (c) 1-24-18
Jerilyn Lange
Eric Burow
Welcome to MyPraize!
Kathi (Admin)
Hi Jerilyn! Welcome to myPraize! Looking forward to getting to know you.
Jerilyn Lange
Be Nice to people, maybe it will be unappreciated, unreciprocated or ignored, but spread the love anyway. We rise by lifting others!
Jerilyn Lange
Finally a place without the drama of Facebook and the things that sadden my heart! I wanted a place with likeminded Christians and stumbled on MyPraise yay me! Yay God!!