Birthday reflections - Beauty instead of ashes
A story I read in the Breaking Free bible study by Beth Moore brought me to tears as I read it. I want to share it with you.
It was her 90th birthday. She didn't plan to live this long. She couldn't help it. She just kept waking up. Her youngest son's spacious home bulged with extended family. She acted surprised by her party as a 90-year-old can act. She cackled to herself. They obviously thought her growing lack of conversation was evidence of a gowing lack of sense. Why would she be surprised? They had thrown her a surprise party for the past 5 years. She guessed they figured she'd forget. What the party really meant was they were surprised she was still alive. Oh, she did love them, though. Every one of them. Pretty bags and bows crowded the coffee table. Now, what in heaven's name was she going to do with a bunch of gifts? And how many pairs of socks does a woman need? But that cake was looking mighty tasty. The great-grandkids had insisted on putting all 90 candles of the cake.
The youngest great-granchild grabbed her by the hand. "Come on, Mammie! It's time to blow the candles out." She grinned and asked God to help her keep her teeth in. Time suddenly seemed to freeze. She looked around the room and studied the faces. Life had been good--painful at times, but God had always been faithful. She had been a widow for 23 years. Her last years had been pleasant. Her family made sure of that. But she grew less and less able to participate. She found herself mostly just watching life.
The muffled insistence of the impatient five-year-old finally grew clear, "Mammie, COME ON!" Before she could draw a breath, all the little ones blew out the candles. Only blood relatives would have eaten that cake after the spraying it took. Later she sat at her old vanity as her daughter-in-law tenderly took the pins from her wispy, white hair. She stared in the yellowed mirror. When had she gotten so old? Where had the years gone? Her daughter-in-law brushed the strands gently, chattering incessantly about the evening. As she helped her with her gown and tucked her in, the old woman felt so weary. Her body hurt just to lie down.
The soft mattress seemed to swallow her frame. She rested her slight weight and stared at the stars out the window. She heard the familiar sound of the 10:00 train going over the bridge and nearly shivered as she remembered her baptism in those cold waters underneath. She smiled and voiced a good-night prayer to the Savior she had loved since childhood. She didn't say much. "Thank you, Jesus. Thank you." Almost before she could close her eyes, deep sleep overtook her. Suddenly, her slumber was startled by the most beautiful voice she had ever heard, coming from a man standing over her. "Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! 'The winter is past; the rains are over and gone...the season of singing has come.'"
Beauty instead of ashes.
Growing older. Strange that my birthday is tomorrow (8/15). It is amazing how fast the time goes. 90 years old is not all that far away when you really come down to it. I think back on my life and what I have accomplished so far. It may not be a whole lot right now, but my walk with Jesus has come full circle and that is the best accomplishment that I will ever have. Money and career aren't everything in life. Those things will pass away. Our walk with the Lord is everything. Jesus has done so much for us, isn't it time we did more for Him?
A story I read in the Breaking Free bible study by Beth Moore brought me to tears as I read it. I want to share it with you.
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